ZR-RBT380 gluing and ining machine is ndependenty dveloped by our company, which can realize non-stop loading of cardstok materials and auoaically separate out single cardstok.
boxs / minThe cardstok is equpped with a secondary psitoningn mechanism to acurately locate the cardstok. The cardstok is automatic ll glued and pasted into the box ater being absorbed by the cardstock drawing mold.
The box conveying pant is equpped with box guiding and pstorinin components, which can separate asingle box and locate the box postion, Aftler pasting the cardstok, the cardstockis reliably glued to the bottom of the box by the pessre rtaining mechanism.
We have the latest advanced processingequipment and international lean productionprocess, and strive to be the industry leader.